Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I Had A "Whitney Houston" Moment

DESIREE!!!....It's true, I don't know what else to call it. This story is short but it's been bothering me for weeks.  Most people know that I have a Sleep Obsession.  I talk about it in my memoir.  I'm embarrassed to say what it takes for me to go to sleep.  Let's just say I don't know how it is to go to sleep without pills.  I suffer with a Bi Polar disorder.  As I've gotten older it has taken more and more to put me to sleep.  Right now I take 500mg of Seroquel, 10mg of Ambien, 1mg of Xanax and 80mg of Geoddon all in one big gulp with water.  Normally this and my daily exercise is good enough to put me to sleep.  Well, the another night it was not... What happened is I had taken my nighttime meds at around 11:00pm.   I had over-exercised and my legs just wouldn't calm down.  I guess that's what they call restless leg syndrome.  By 2:00am I was so damn aggravated that I kept getting up and down but I couldn't relax enough to go to sleep.  So what I did was I took another 1mg of Xanax and downed a glass of wine.  WHAT?... Oh, it gets worst, I decided to fill my bath tub with hot water and bubbles.  I jumped into the tub and leaned my head back.  The next thing I know is I nodded off and I started slowly sinking under the water.  I don't know what woke me up.  OMG is RIGHT!!!  I Had A "Whitney Houston" Moment.  Thank God I have some kind of guardian angel that's looking out for my dumbass self.  I could have easily been a goner.  The End~

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I don't think I understand either one.  Let me first talk about Poetry.  Now that I'm older I have to say I understand poems better.  I remember when I was in highschool, there was this English teacher who loved Poetry.  When she would read a poem out loud  to the class her eyes would flutter and role back.  She would say, "Listen to these words, aren't they beautiful?"...I can't remember any one particular poem, I just remember thinking to myself, "I don't know what the hell this poem means."  What made me think about poems was.... I watched a documentary on Stevie Nicks.  The way she wrote songs was to grab her book on poetry and then add music and melody.  Of course Stevie Nicks is not the only person that uses poetry to write a song.  I guess songs can be lumped into 2 groups.  Songs that tell a story or Songs with a bunch of words that don't make sense.  Ain't that right BEATLES?  Come Together "He bag production, he got walrus gumboot, He got ono sideboard, he one spinal cracker." .... How about I Am The Walrus "I am the eggman, They are the eggmen, I am the Walrus Goo goo g' joob"....Getting back to Stevie Nicks, probably my favorite song is On The Edge Of Seventeen... I catch myself riding in the car with the windows down, sunroof open singing, "Just like the white winged dove, sings a song, sounds like she singing ooo, ooo, ooo".....Then when it gets to the part that says, "He was no more than a baby then".... I stop singing, I think to myself, "Is Stevie taking about a 16 year old boy?"... Then I change the channel on the radio.  Now onto Politics.  Let me just say I can't make a sentence using the words Bi Partisan or Filabuster.  I also wasn't into politics until my 40's and my voting record is shoddy.  Let's leave it at that.  The End~

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I Wore White To A Wedding That Wasn't Mine~SAY IT ISN'T SO!

I was 23 or 24 years old, not much money, and my mom wasn't around to teach me such lessons.  The year when I was 23 or 24, I was invited to a lot of weddings.  So one day I asked my soon to be sister-in-law if I could borrow some of her dresses.  I was single at the time making good money but somehow I thought I didn't have money on account of how I was raised.  My dad was a tightwad, I literally owned 3 shirts and 2 pair of pants that were wearable.  The rest of my clothes were hand me downs from Aunt Maude.  Get the picture?  I had 4 back to back weddings in one month.  My soon to be sister-in-law gave me 4 dresses one of them being white.  As I was heading to the 4th wedding I kept thinking to myself, "I don't think I should be wearing white but it's too late to get another dress for this out of town wedding, it's just too late I'm stuck." I  was getting out of my car, when my face went flush.  That's when it hit me that I should have worn black underwear ONLY before wearing white when you are not the bride.  I sat in middle of the wedding with  all eyes on me and my white dress.  OMG I never felt so humiliated in my life.   I should have ditched the reception but I was too stupid to do even that,  besides my fiancĂ©e was in the wedding party.  I bet you thought it couldn't get worse?...... And it did.  There was me in a flouncy 1980's  white party dress and my 1980's permed and teased hair.  I walked around that reception with my head down and my eyes cast to the ground in full shame.  If I had to do it over I would have stayed in the bathroom until it was over.  Live and Learn until you are too old to give a shit about humiliation.  The end~